London College of Naturopathic Medicine & Health Science



The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled"       Plutarch



Newman. Turner, Roger.  Naturopathic Medicine   

3rd revised edition (1 Nov 2000)  

ISBN 10: 09539 151 07 and ISBN 13: 978-09539 151 01

A very good introduction to naturopathy that all students should read.


Trattler, Ross & Jones, Adrian. Better Health through Natural Healing. 

Hinkler Books Oct 2004       ISBN 10: 1-8651-5259-5 and ISBN 13: 978-18651-5259-2

A good introduction to the philosophy of naturopathy and an A-Z of naturopathic treatment regimes for reference purposes.                                                                                                                              


Bieler, Henry  Food is your best medicine Ballantine Books

ISBN 10: 0345351835 and ISBN 13: 978-0345351838

This one is available on Amazon. A classic old fashioned paperback but with priceless information from a naturopathic physician.


Ali, Majid.  The Butterfly and Lifespan Nutrition  Institute of Preventive Medicine

ISBN 10: 1-879131-01-3 and ISBN 13: 978-1879131019

''A masterly blend of the intuitive wisdom the ancients with the basic chemistry of life. The result is an enormously valuable book those interested in nutrition and fitness.'' So says the blurb on the cover, but it is not wide of the mark. It also centres on insightful discussion of weight control and the perils of dieting".

Fallon, Sally.  Nourishing Traditions - The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats.   New Trends Publishing

ISBN 10: 0-9670897-3-5 and ISBN 13: 978-0967089737

Far more than a cookbook extolling the pleasures of healthy and tasty food, presenting the evidence for the consumption of all forms of traditionally produced foods, drinks and sauces and preserved fruit, nuts, vegetables, meats and milk products, whilst indicating the dangers of modern food processing, modern whole grain products and polyunsaturated fats.


Matsen, John.  Eating Alive.  Vision Press (Canada)                                                           

ISBN 0-9693586-0-1 and ISBN 13: 978-0969358602

An essential introduction to the central role of digestion for good health


Matsen, John.  The Secrets of Great Health, From your Nine Liver Dwarves.  Goodwin     

ISBN 10: 0968285309 and ISBN 13: 978-0968285305                                                                                                                                                                               

 A 600-page mine of useful functional and biochemical information with the typical Matsen cartoons to make the indigestible manageable


Sears, Barry. The Anti-Ageing Zone

ISBN 10: 0007332521 and ISBN 13: 978-0007332526

An important book in giving a practical insight into understanding hormones, the ageing process and how lifestyle and food choices have a substantial impact on these.


Lane, Roderick. The Adam & Eve Diet    ISBN 10: 0340819367 and ISBN 13: 978-034081936

An important book for understanding body types / metabolic types and diet


Holt, Stephen. Combat Syndrome XYZ.     Wellness 2002.   

ISBN -10: 0971422427 and ISBN-13: 978-0971422421                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

A good explanation of the complexities involved in glycaemic control.


Gottschall, Elaine. Breaking the Vicious Cycle  revised edition Aug 1994

ISBN 10: 0-9692768-1-8 and ISBN 13: 978-09692768-1-4                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

This book describes a specific carbhydrate diet which addresses carbohydrate intolerance. Often useful for Crohns disease, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, Coeliac disease, cystic fibrosis, chronic diarrhoea and even refractory constipation.


PDR for Nutritional Supplements   (2nd edition 2009) 

 ISBN 10: 1563637103 and ISBN 13: 978-1563637100                                                                                                                           

There are various books on nutritional supplements, but this is an authoritative volume with indications and useage, research summaries, contraindications, precautions, adverse reactions, interactions with drugs, herbs and food.


Juhan, Deane.  Job's Body revised edition January 2002.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ISBN 10: 1581770995 and ISBN 13: 978-1581770995

A veritable Bible for body workers, providing in-depth coverage of relevant physiology to the cellular and electromagnetic level, the indissoluble interaction of the body and mind via molecules of emotion, the importance of the mental mapping of our bodies (engrams) and the fundamental importance of touch to our physical, cognitive and emotional growth and health. Read the first and last chapters of the recent edition for an overview.


Upledger, John.  Your Inner Physician and You, CranioSacral Therapy and SomatoEmotional Release

ISBN 1-55643-246-1 and ISBN 13: 978-1556432460    (Upledger Institute tel: 01934 733611)                                                                                                                                                                          

The focus of the book is on subtle, gentle body work and its impact on structure, function and emotion provides a valuable reinforcement for the view that 'less is more' when it comes to bodywork, at its most effective when it creates optimal conditions for the body to do its own healing. It is therefore useful for practitioners of techniques such as the Bowen Technique and Naturopathic/Osteopathic Body Adjustment.

The above is the basic text that LCNM recommends, however Michael Kern has also written a very good book, with adequate but not excessive complexity, calledWisdom in the Body�, ISBN 0-7225-3708-5.

Hugh Milne takes us further with The Heart of Listening volume 1. A Visionary Approach to Craniosacral Work.


Upledger, John. Lessons out of school. 2006.

From the Upledger Institute -       tel: 01934 733611


Kuchera and Kuchera. Osteopathic Considerations in Systemic Dysfunction  ISBN: 1-57074-154-9

 An invaluable perspective of the role of the Autonomic Nervous System and the Lymphatic System and their roles integrating structure and function and thereby indicating sources of dysfunction and disease. . To quote Pottenger, an American osteopath writing fifty years ago:

'Most of the important symptoms arising from diseases of internal viscera are reflex in nature. In order to understand these symptoms, one must study the innervation of the various viscera and the interrelationship which exist between them, also the interrelationship which exists between the viscera and the skeletal structures.)

The book provides useful chapters on possible causes of disorders of ears, nose, throat, respiratory tract, cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract, the genitourinary tract, the spine and joints and on disorders associated with pregnancy and childhood.

An Endocrine Interpretation of Chapman's Reflexes. Available from Osteopathic Supplies,  tel: 08449 840325


S. Goldberg M.D. Clinical Neuroanatomy Made Ridiculously Simple 

ISBN 0-940780-46-1

A brief, readable summary of clinically relevant neuroanatomy which is very helpful when trying to gain an overall perspective of the subject. 


Quenk, Naomi. Was that really me? ISBN 0-89106-170-3. Published by Davies-Black.

A fascinating look at personality types. Highly relevant to our work as naturopaths. As a complement to this book see also:


Pearman & Albritton. I'm not crazy I'm just not you. 2nd revised edition 2010. Nicholas Brealy Publishing

ISBN 10: 185788552X and ISBN 13: 978-1857885521  


Damasio, Antonio. Looking for Spinoza.  ISBN 00 994 21836. Published by Vintage.

Damasio draws on his innovative research and his experience with neurological patients to examine how feelings and the emotions that underlie them support the governance of human affairs.


White, Ian.  Bush Flower Essences ISBN 0-905249-84-4

White, Ian.  Bush Flower Healing   ISBN 0-73380-053-X

Ian White is an experienced Naturopath whose powerful and effective Australian Bush Flower Essences are valuable adjuncts for identifying and dealing with the emotions underpinning and accompanying chronic and acute conditions, whether dealing with deep trauma buried in the mists of time or with the bite of an insect that you have just swatted. Particularly useful to Naturopaths, seeking to understand the causes of, and interwoven emotions within 'dis-ease' and distress, are Ian's descriptions of the qualities of the flowers and, in the second book, the Repertories for Physical and for Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Conditions.






Grenham, Clarke, Cryan and Dinan. Brain-gut-microbe communication in health and disease. 2011, Frontiers in physiology.Pubmed

Up to date scientific research in the probiotic field, the microscopic world which inhabits us, the myriad of organisms which in number far outnumber the total cells in our body, weigh over a kilogram (and without which there would be no digestive or immune function)


The Inner Tube of Life. Special section, Science Vol 307 pp1896 - 1925. 25th March 2005


Davis, Daniel M. Immune Synapse. Scientific American, Feb. 2006 pp49-55




Required references:


 A detailed medical dictionary.


 A copy of a current British National Formulary book. It can be obtained through any bookseller.

See also          

The British Medical Association provide a book called New Guide to Medicines and Drugs which you may find helpful.


Churchill�s Pocketbook of Differential Diagnosis, 3rd revised edition (1 Sep 2009) 

ISBN 10: 0702032220 and ISBN 13: 978-0702032226


Netter, Frank. Atlas of Human Anatomy  Saunders; 5th revised edition 93 May 2010)  

ISBN 10: 1416059512 and ISBN 13: 978-1416059516  


Heel Biotherapeutic Index. Part A. Introduction  pages 1 - 82 inclusive.     This can be accessed online at 

It is an excellent introduction to the philosophy and practice of homotoxicology.


Fisher, Leslie. The Clinical Science of Mineral Therapy.

ISBN 10: 0731684478 and ISBN 13: 978-0731684472

Chapter eight, Management and Prescribing Procedures - one of the best written pieces on patient management.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          


About Us

The course was established in 1994 to provide a naturopathic diploma (ND) for experienced healthcare practitioners. The cornerstones of naturopathy are nutrition, bodywork, hydrotherapy and health education. These cornerstones of the 'no-nonsense' approach of LCNM are used to form a focused and coherent healthcare plan which accords with the patient's needs and expectations. 'Finding the potential for health.

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